Secured, Safe Faxing from MFPs
GoldFax offers flexible solutions for security
GoldFax has many ways of integrating with MFPs. It offers direct connectors where GoldFax is an application on the MFP panel, using eCopy as an interface, and faxing from the MFP to GoldFax via email.
You can control who has access to Send Faxes from your MFPs
Each MFP can have a generic UserID automatically logged in so you can track faxes sent and receive notifications. For example, you can have an MFP designated "Accounting" that multiple people use. All sent faxes are tracked to that Accounting ID and Sent Fax Successful/Failure status emails are sent to the Accounting ID.

GoldFax can also use UserID/Password security to send faxes from your MFPs. Each user would enter their UserID/password at the MFP to get started. All sent faxes would be tracked to their userID and status emails would be sent directly to each person.
GoldFax provides complete tracking of when faxes were sent and received, by which user, if there were errors, and where the fax was routed.